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Разом – Razom – Together

Sharing Ukrainian food, music and friendship, at The Rose Hill, Brighton, 24th July 2022.

We now have around 400 Ukrainians here with us in Brighton & Hove while their country is under attack. Over the past few weeks they have created some beautiful and moving events at different places in the city: celebrating the Ukrainian midsummer festival in Preston Park (there are pics and video on our recent blog post and the original Facebook event gives information about the festival) taking part in the Refugee Week concert at the Jubilee Library, and raising funds for aid to their country at St Luke's in Prestonville.

Sunday's gathering at the Rose Hill was an opportunity for us all to share the culture that is so important to them – especially music and food!. The afternoon was called Razom, Ukrainian for Together.

From the initial seed of an idea, lots of people worked together to make this a special day, clearly enjoyed by all who attended. People sang along to the music, dancing and applauding each song. The food was delicious, one Ukrainian woman remarking it was the first time she's had Borscht since arriving in the UK. The hope is it will lead to more similar events. Huge thanks to everyone who helped make this event happen;


Dina, Daria, Bela, Polina, Yulya, Ivan, Nastya (Nastya also for making the posters in both languages) , Tanya, Olya, Kara and their friends who also performed on the day. Not only did they all play, but also supported and suggested ideas for the event, & helped organise and promote.

Kira and Julia for the amazing food, which included Borscht, fresh bread (including black bread, which takes 2 days to make), vegetable pie and a sweet poppy seed bread. Additional advice and overall support,

Upside Comics for the excellent children's drawing sessions (we learned some helpful phrases from them too)

Vlada, for making the Ukrainian playlist, advice and support, Marek and Sue (Club Europ Express) Jem and Jude, and Kassia at The Rose Hill, Abe for doing a great job on sound and everyone at the venue for being fantastic hosts and making everyone welcome. Graham for advice and support, and everyone involved with Stand with Ukraine Brighton and Hove, and the wider local Ukrainian community for their support, and everyone who attended or contributed in anyway to this lovely afternoon.


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