Best Foot Music

Jul 29, 2018

Flavours of Syria fundraising concert and meal.

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

Organised by a collective of friends, including born and bred Brighton folk, and those who've made new homes here. With support from Refugee Radio and Best Foot Music, we're all part of the same social circle and have now organised a number of fundraising events together. Previous events have been in aid of the local Sussex Syrian Community Hardship Fund, this time we decided to fund a volunteer run school for refugees in Syria and several grassroots, non partisan charities also in Syria. The event was held in the Diamond Jubilee Pavilion of Brighton College.

Live music performances were from local Syrian musicians Hala (vocals) Jamal (percussion) and Firas (Keyboards)

Food was kindly donated by Teba Syrian food shop of Portslade.

The evening finished with an international flavoured disco with DJ's Danny, Charlie and Houssien.

The event was well attended and raised £2000 for the supported charities. A big thanks to all volunteers involved and all who supported.
